Our Goals


Here are some of the key objectives that we hope come forward in the route-setting at Base5:

1. To provide something new for every climber, every week. Whether it is your second time visiting us, or you are a seasoned competition climber, we have something fresh for you every week. We do this by offering a 9 week turnaround on our routes, and a 5 week turnaround on our problems.

2. To create learning experiences. We don’t want our climbers to just get stronger, we also want them to get better. At Base5 we aim to offer a wide range of climbing styles, including many routes with technical, sequence dependent, and out of the box moves so that you become a smarter climber.

3. To offer the climbers at Base5 an industry leading, constantly evolving, setting program. We always have our finger on the pulse, and aim to help lead the way through the constant changes that climbing gyms and route-setting are going through. We are regularly re-evaluating what we are doing, we respond to climber feedback and are pushing to offer the most current, forward thinking setting program we can.

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